Discussion Guide for the
Theology of Chappell Roan

Opening Check-In:

  • Name, Pronouns, Question of the Week

    • What would your friends or family give you a gold medal for? (For example, Pastor Michael would win the gold medal for most likely to say an inappropriate joke during a church service)

  • How is it with your soul?

  • Where have you experienced God or a sense of love/grace in your life recently?

The Theology of Chappell Roan

“Femininomenon” Lyrics

Discussion Questions

  • First Things First: What stands out to you about this song? What words or phrases are most powerful? How does this song connect to the Bible (or how does it not?)

  • In verse one, Chappell Roan laments “online love.” How does this verse relate to your experience using dating apps?

  • In verse two, Chappell Roan talks about the trap of being in a stable relationship with someone who cannot met your needs. How does this connect to your own dating experience?

  • For so long, female pleasure has been stigmatized in society and by the church. What messaging did you receive about women, sex, and pleasure as a child? How is this similar or different to what Chappell Roan sings about in her song?

  • Here is an excerpt from Song of Songs (a book in the Old Testament) — Song of Songs 4:16; 5:1

    • Awake, O north wind,
          and come, O south wind!
      Blow upon my garden
          that its fragrance may be wafted abroad.
      Let my beloved come to his garden
          that he may eat its choicest fruits.

    • I come to my garden, my sister, my bride;
          I gather my myrrh with my spice;
          I eat my honeycomb with my honey;
          I drink my wine with my milk.

      Eat, friends, drink,
          and be drunk with love.

    • This scripture reading centers female pleasure. It calls on one’s lover to come eat the woman’s “choicest fruits.”

    • What do you think “Let my beloved come to his garden that he may eat its choicest fruits” means literally? What does it mean figuratively? How does it connect to female pleasure?

  • If you have time, read Song of Songs 1. How does the imagery of this poem a) connect to Chappell Roan’s song about female pleasure or b) differ from what is traditionally taught about sex by the Church?