RSVP Winter


Join the Collective for our winter retreat at Camp Glisson in Dahlonega, GA from February 16-18.

During the retreat, we will explore our core value of solidarity by exploring the Old Testament stories of Joseph and Moses through the lens of liberation, discussing how God often aligns God’s self with the poor and vulnerable. There will be opportunities to discuss privilege, allyship, and how we can form intimate connections with people who might not look like us, love like us, or make as much money as us. These topics will lead to invigorating discussion which we hope will allow you to grow in your faith and become a better advocate for justice in Metro Atlanta and beyond. 

We will also partner with local nonprofit organizations in North Georgia to assist vulnerable neighbors. 

Plus, there will be games and drinks and opportunities to relive the glory days of middle school church camp (or perhaps reclaim the whole church camp experience with a really fun group of people). 

Here are the most important details: 

  • Departure: We will arrive at Camp Glisson around 8pm. You can drive there on your own or you can meet us at St. John’s Lutheran Church in Atlanta at 6:00pm. 

  • Lodging: We will be staying in the Village Cabins at Camp Glisson. These are dormitory-style cabins organized by gender – think really cool summer camp bunk beds. You will need to bring linens for the bed and towels for the bathroom. You can see pictures of the cabins here. 

  • Meals: Camp Glisson will provide Saturday breakfast and dinner. We will eat at a local restaurant for lunch, and the church will cover the bill. We will eat Sunday breakfast at Camp Glisson.

  • Cost: $150 per person with two important caveats

    • All participants under 18 years old can attend for FREE.

    • We have several supporters across the country who are willing to sponsor participants. So, if money is an issue, just let me know. We can cover it–no questions asked! 

Church Workers: If you are a church worker who needs to be back for Sunday morning, you can opt to only attend Friday night or leave early Sunday morning.